Dr Ahmed Almheri, Physicist was awarded the ‘New Horizons Physics Prize’ for his research on black holes in space. The award is founded by ‘The Breakthrough Foundation’ USA.
He is currently a long-term member in the ‘School of Natural Science’. Doing his post-docotral studies in Physics at ‘Institute for Advance Studies (IAS), Princeton University.
First Emirati to be accepted for the post-doctoral studies at Princeton University, University of California.
-Ph.D – Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
– M.A. – University of California, Santa Barbara
– B.Sc/B.A – University of Toronto
-New Horizons Physics Prize (2020)
-Lancaster Dissertation Award in Mathematics, Physics, Sciences and Engineering (2014)
-Member Martin Hairer ‘Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics’

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics / pix: youtube.com