Greatest Distance on a Motocross Bike in 24 Hours (1 day) : Ali Abdo Ali : June 2017

Ail Abdo Ali . Adventurer. Long Distance Motor Cycle Rider. Entrepreneur.

Ali Abdo Ali broke the previous world record for the greatest distance on a motocross bike in 24 hours (or 1 day), by an indivdual – by reaching (381.2 miles) mark.

Certified by Guinness World Records.

First Arab to achieve a world record on a motorcycle.

2nd Record held by him:

-Largest distance travelled in Egypt by motorcycle in 7 days – January 15th, 2016 , He travelled 5,864 km on his motorcycle across Egypt in 7 days.

Founder : Around Egypt on a motorcycle

Ambassador of ‘ No Place like Egypt’


