Farouk El Baz Ph.D., Space Scientist. Geologist
- Formerly – President Sadat’s Scientific Advisor (1978-1981)
- Founder – Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Museum of Atmospheric and Space, at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
- Dr. El Baz played a pivotal role for the Apollo mission where he served as the secretary for the Apollo landing board on the moon, and was responsible for leading the astronaut training team in general science, particularly in moon imaging
So pivotal was he to Apollo that in Tom Hanks’ HBO TV-series, From the Earth to the Moon , El-Baz’s role as an Apollo scientist and astronaut trainer was featured in a segment entitled, “The Brain of Farouk El-Baz,” and a shuttle craft named El-Baz soared through the popular TV-series Star Trek : The Next Generation
- He has won over 31 awards, including achievements in science, in NASA, incl:
- Golden Door Award of the International Institute of Boston
- Nevada Medal of the Desert Research Institute
- The Pioneer Award of the Arab Thought Foundation.
- The Apollo Achievement Award
- Asteroid 7371 El-Baz, discovered by American astronomers Eleanor Helin and Schelte Bus at Palomar Observatory in 1978, was named in his honor. The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 27 August 2019 ( M.P.C. 115893).
- Deserts and Arid Lands , Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, ISBN 90-247-2850-9
