Why doesn’t the crocodile fly? : Meet the winners of Sawiris’ 18th Cultural Award, celebrated on 08th January 2023.
The annual event was held at Ewart Memorial Hall of the Tahrir Cultural Center, downtown Cairo.
The event was attended by many cultural and literature figures and artists and included a performance by the popular musical troupe Masar Igbari.
A New Prize
The event kicked off at 7 pm with a short speech by movie star Mahmoud Hemeda, followed by a mini-documentary celebrating 20 years of Sawiris Foundation’s contribution to social development through influencing the lives of about 700,000 people throughout Egypt.
Renowned Doctor and scholar Mohamed Abul-Ghar, member of the award’s board of trustees, introduced a special prize that went to the posthumously released book of late journalist Mohamed Abul-Gheit, titled ” I am Coming, Light”. Prominent writer Mohamed Shoeir, deputy of Akhbar El-Adab magazine, was the one who suggested that the prize go to Abul-Gheit’s book even though it hadn’t been on the list of entries for the competition. Abul-Gheit had been a celebrated journalist who passed away this December after a battle with cancer. The prize, which is worth EPG 150,000, will be given to his wife and child.
Children Books
The prize for Best Children’s book under 12 years old was a tie between writer Ahmed Korany’s book Lemaza La yateer Al Timsah (Why Doesn’t the Crocodile Fly?), illustrated by Nemma Zidan, and writer Ashraf Abul-Yazid’s book Qetati Toalef Ketaba ( My Cat Writes a Book).
Critic and Narrative books
The prize for Best Critic and Narrative writings was also a tie between renowned poet Bahaa Jaheen, for his book Al Molk Wal Malek (The Creation and Creator), and writer Magdy Gergis for his book Al-Moalem Ibrahim Al-Gohary.
Play Script
The first prize for best play script went to playwright Ahmed Nabih for his play Nozhet El-Sindbad fi Dawayer Baghdad (Sinbad’s Voyage in the Circles of Baghdad). The second prize for best play script went to playwright Emad Motawaa for his play Mosiqa Hadiaa (Soft Music).
Screen Play
The prize for Best Screenplay, youth section, went to screenwriter Mohamed Al-Samman for his script Ardioon (Earth People).
The prize for Best Screenplay, older generation, went to screenwriters Ahmed Hawari and Ibrahim Al-Battout for their script Hekayet Risha w Samaka (The Story of a Feather and a Fish)
Best Novel and Short stories
The first prize for best Novel and Short stories, youth section, went to writer Mohamed Sorour for his short stories Thalath Fekhakh le Zeab Awar (Three Traps for a One Eyed Wolf). The second prize for best Novel and Short stories, youth section, went to writer Mohamed El-Barmy for his short stories Lel Mohebein Wal Awghad wa Qotaa Al Toroq ( For the Lovers, the Bastards and the Villains)
The first Prize for best Novel, youth section, went to novelist Sharl Aql for his novel Ahmar Lareng (Larenge Red ).
The second Prize for best Novel, youth section, went to novelist Ahmed Ibrahim Ismail for his novel Abu Gamea.
The first prize for Novel and Short stories, older generation, went to novelist Shady Louis for his novel Tarikh Mogaz lel Khalifa wa Sharq Al Qahera (A Brief History of Al Khalifa District and East Cairo). The novelist, however, announced later last night that although grateful for winning such an award, he will give it back.
The second prize for Novel and Short stories, older generation, went to writer Ahmed Abdel-Latif for his short stories The Kingdom of Mark Zuckerberg and his Fictional Birds.
source/content: english.ahram.org.eg (headline edited)
