Palestinian American Chef Michael Rafidi Wins James Beard Culinary Award 2024 in Chicago

Palestinian chef Michael Rafidi has been honored with the James Beard Awards in Chicago, winning the title of Outstanding Chef 2024.

The culinary world is full of awards and accolades that honor talented chefs, and among them is the James Beard Awards. Often referred to as the “Oscars of the food world”, it is one of the highest honors in the industry. This year, Palestinian chef Michael Rafidi, the owner of Albi — a Michelin-starred restaurant in the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. was titled winner under the category of Outstanding Chef.

Previously, Rafidi’s restaurant garnered a Michelin Star in 2022, an award that is only granted to restaurants that are able to present an exceptional dining experience using top-notch ingredients consistently. Rafidi’s food encapsulates the rich flavors of his Palestinian heritage, with each dish presenting remnants of his culture.

Chef Micheal Rafidi’s caption on his Instagram post, or speech as he called it included a poignant homage to his grandfather who was a chef in Washington for decades, and a big source of inspiration to delve into his restaurateur journey. “I accepted this award on the shoulders of my Palestinian ancestors, my grandparents and my mother. Through it all, they held onto their love of food, a taste of our lineage that told stories of love, resilience and hope,” stated Rafidi. He added, “As I grew in my career, I realized my Palestinian identity would become my purpose for the restaurants we would build, the menus we would create, and the food we would serve. Ending the caption with, “In case I wasn’t clear on stage. This award is dedicated to the people of Palestine.”

Regarding the win, Ayman, the Palestinian-Egyptian news anchor at MSNBC posted, “Now after last night’s James Beard Awards, Palestinian cuisine is not only recognized as part of the tapestry of America, it is celebrated among the very best cuisines in the world thanks to generations of Palestinians who are constantly pushing their food to new heights.”

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Photo: Getty



PALESTINIAN activist Issa Amro wins the alternate Nobel, Swedish ‘ Right Livelihood prize 2024’ for peaceful resistance

Palestinian activist Issa Amro on Thursday accepted the Right Livelihood prize — considered by some an alternative Nobel — for his “nonviolent resistance to Israel’s illegal occupation” in the West Bank, the jury said.

Amro was born in the city of Hebron, a flashpoint West Bank city where roughly 1,000 Jewish settlers live under heavy Israeli military protection amid some 200,000 Palestinians.

He has dedicated his life to fighting against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.
The 44-year-old founded the Youth Against Settlements group, which campaigns against the proliferation of Jewish settlements in the territory — communities widely regarded as illegal under international law.

The rights campaigner has been repeatedly detained and tortured by both the Palestinian Authority and by Israel, the foundation said. “It’s a miracle that I still exist,” said Amro.

When Palestine Polytechnic University, where he was studying, closed in 2003 during the Second Intifada, Amro successfully led a six-month civil disobedience campaign.
“I managed to reopen the university with other students,” Amro said in a statement.
“I graduated as an engineer and as an activist — it became part of my character,” he added.

The Sweden-based Right Livelihood Foundation also honored Joan Carling, a Filipino champion of indigenous rights and Anabela Lemos, a climate activist from Mozambique.

It also gave the nod to research agency Forensic Architecture for its work in uncovering human rights violations around the world.

The foundation said the four prize winners had “each made a profound impact on their communities and the global stage.”

“Their unwavering commitment to speaking out against forces of oppression and exploitation, while strictly adhering to non-violent methods, resonates far beyond their communities,” Right Livelihood said in a statement.

Carling from the Philippines was recognized for having defended the rights of indigenous communities for three decades, particularly in their fight against mining projects.

The foundation celebrated Lemos, who heads the NGO Justica Ambiental (JA!), for her role in opposing liquefied natural gas extraction projects in northern Mozambique.

Forensic Architecture, a London-based research laboratory known for 3D modelling conflict zones, won the distinction for “pioneering digital forensic methods” to ensure accountability of human rights violations around the world.

By teaming up with Ukraine’s Center for Spatial Technologies to reconstruct Mariupol’s Drama Theatre before it was destroyed in 2022, the firm highlighted Russia’s “strategies of terror” and “attempts to obscure evidence of their own crimes,” the foundation said.

Swedish-German philatelist Jakob von Uexkull sold part of his stamp collection to found the Right Livelihood award in 1980, after the foundation behind the Nobel Prizes refused to create new distinctions honoring efforts in the fields of environment and international development.

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The rights campaigner has been repeatedly detained and tortured by both the Palestinian Authority and by Israel, the foundation said. (AFP)



TUNISIA: WOMEN IN MEDICINE: More numerous than men: more than 13,000 women doctors in Tunisia

The CREDIF (Center for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women) issued Thursday 1st digital medium “Tunisian Women in figures 2024”, a scientific document, based on collecting statistical data from various public institutions and national professional bodies.

In the health field, this booklet indicates that women represent 51% of the total number of physicians in Tunisia. As of February 15, 2025, there were 13,197 women doctors, 6,895 of which are registered in the “General Medicine” branch.

“Tunisian women in Figures 2024”, includes various and diversified data, varying from those demographics, including questions relating to the experience of women and their difficulties, in terms of violence, health and unemployment and their accomplishments in terms of ‘Medical assistance, teaching and positions occupied in education and education.

It constitutes one of the updated references, to be consulted by both researchers and civil society members and administrators and experts, which can equip them, and help them study certain phenomena and possibly in decision-making.





ARABIC TEXTS AVAILABLE: German publisher showcases rare manuscripts at Riyadh International Book Fair 2024

 German publishing house Mueller and Schindler is participating in the Riyadh International Book Fair for the third consecutive year with a showcase of rare manuscripts and books.

The annual gathering’s literary treasures are a major attraction for book lovers and academics. 

Mueller and Schindler specialize in creating high-quality replicas of historic texts that are typically inaccessible to the public.

Among their remarkable offerings are the famed notes of Leonardo da Vinci, and a selection of Arabic works, including the renowned Blue Qur’an. 

Their exhibit at the fair highlights not only the beauty of these manuscripts but also their historical significance.   

The owner and CEO of Mueller and Schindler, Charlotte Kramer, elaborating on their mission, told Arab News: “We provide facsimiles, which derive from the Latin term ‘fac simile,’ meaning ‘make it similar.’” 

A facsimile is a faithful reproduction of a manuscript or printed book, capturing all the visible characteristics of the original — vibrant colors, gold and silver embellishments, as well as age marks and irregularities.

Their facsimile editions are published in limited quantities, combining technical precision with the spirit of the original work. 

Highlighting the uniqueness of their offerings, Kramer noted: “One of our notable replicas is Katta Langar Qur’an, which dates back over 1,200 years, making it one of the oldest Qur’anic fragments. This fragment, written in Hijazi calligraphy, is significant for the development of the Qur’anic text.” 

In addition to the Katta Langar Qur’an manuscript, Mueller and Schindler showcased a Moroccan Qur’an, comprised of 50 volumes, meticulously crafted in Kufic script.

They also presented manuscripts containing prayers of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as scientific Arabic texts, including Al-Sufi’s “Book of the Fixed Stars.”

The enthusiasm of the Saudi audience has made a lasting impression on the team. 

“We are thrilled to be here for the third time. The people are incredibly knowledgeable and genuinely interested in our work. They engage with us, asking insightful questions and listening intently to our explanations,” Kramer said.    

The fair concludes on Saturday.

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Among their remarkable offerings are the famed notes of Leonardo da Vinci, and a selection of Arabic works, including the renowned Blue Qur’an. (AN photo)



EGYPT: General Motors celebrates production of one-millionth vehicle in Egypt

General Motors Egypt has celebrated a significant milestone with the production of its one-millionth vehicle at its local factory. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development and Minister of Industry and Transport, Kamel Al-Wazir. This achievement underscores General Motors’ commitment to local manufacturing and its role in Egypt’s industrial development.

This milestone marked General Motors as the first private car manufacturer in Egypt to produce one million locally made vehicles, in partnership with General Motors Global. The company established its first regional manufacturing facility in Alexandria nearly 90 years ago and exports to countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the Middle East, and Africa.

Al-Wazir stated that General Motors collaborates with numerous local, regional, and global partners, producing over 90% of its sales locally. The company is also committed to increasing the local component percentage in its products.

He noted that General Motors Egypt supports the registration of its new car model in the National Program for Developing the Automotive Industry. This program incentivizes manufacturers based on local component ratios, investment levels, production and export volumes, emissions reduction, and adherence to global environmental standards.

In line with this, the Ministry of Industry has developed the National Industry Strategy (2024–2030), leveraging Egypt’s regional advantages and advanced infrastructure to enhance the industry across seven key pillars.

He noted that the strategy includes an urgent plan to boost the Egyptian industry, focusing on several main pillars. The first involved deepening the industry by establishing new factories to meet part of the local market’s needs and reduce reliance on imported production inputs, aiming to attract investors with high-quality products at competitive prices.

The second pillar focused on expanding the industrial base to increase exports, particularly for green industries that utilize locally available raw materials or technologies, such as iron and aluminium. This leverages Egypt’s natural resources (agricultural, industrial, and mineral) to produce high-quality goods for export markets at competitive prices.

The third entailed immediate efforts to reactivate and assist closed or stalled factories, as well as supporting projects under construction to enhance industrial activity and production capacity. The fourth emphasized improving the quality of Egyptian products to compete in the local and global markets, with support from entities under the Ministry of Industry.

The fourth pillar aims to enhance the quality of Egyptian products for both local and global markets through the Ministry of Industry, meanwhile, the fifth pillar focused on increasing employment in the industrial sector to 7 million by 2030, doubling the current workforce, while recognizing General Motors Egypt’s role in attracting investments and creating jobs.

Additionally, the sixth pillar emphasized training the workforce via partnerships with research centres and universities to improve skills, particularly through the development of 41 technological schools. These schools, financed by private companies, aim to produce skilled graduates ready for the industry, with potential collaboration between the Ministry and General Motors to improve vocational training.

Finally, the seventh pillar addressed modern industrial trends and digital transformation, including providing technical support for factories and raising awareness of green industries. It also involved launching a digital platform to streamline industrial services and licensing processes for investors.

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