Making history again! Egyptian heart surgeon Sir Magdi Yacoub innovates valves that grow naturally in body.
This pioneering innovation envisions the development of biological heart valves that can grow and be accommodated naturally within the human body. This opens the door to a new era in heart disease treatment.
The prospect of heart valves naturally expanding within the body, a concept once confined to science fiction, is now on the brink of realization, thanks to the remarkable discovery spearheaded by renowned heart surgeon Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub.
While the initial study documenting this breakthrough was unveiled in Nature in 2023, recent media coverage has underscored its practical implications.
Esteemed publications like The Times have pinpointed this cutting-edge innovation’s profound impact on biomedical science and medical engineering. They have recognized it as a monumental leap in the realm of healthcare.
On Monday, Dr. Yacoub discussed the latest developments in this field with Egyptian talk show host Amr Adib.
He explained how his team has engineered temporary heart valve scaffolds composed of surgically implanted fibres into the body.
These scaffolds gradually disintegrate over time, leaving behind a living, fully functional valve crafted from the patient’s tissues, a testament to the marvels of modern medical ingenuity.
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Sir Magdi Yacoub