MOROCCO : World’s Oldest Dinosaur Fossils Found in Morocco

This new discovery could rewrite history.

A discovery in Morocco has unveiled the oldest Cerapodan dinosaur fossils on the planet – dating back 174 million years. 

The fossils, dug up in the rocky lands of El Mers III, near Boulemane, could change everything we know about these humongous plant-munching creatures. Before this, the only known fossil from this period was a lonely thigh bone found in the United Kingdom.  

Experts from Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University in Fez and the UK’s Natural History Museum made the find and published their report on March 12.  

Though the fossil isn’t complete, researchers say it proves Morocco was home to some of the earliest herbivore dinosaurs ever recorded. Even more exciting is that the same site also contains some of the world’s oldest ankylosaurus and stegosaurus.  

During their early days, Cerapodans walked on two legs and used their front limbs to grab food. But over time, some bulked up, dropped to all fours, and developed powerful chewing skills, making them the top plant-eaters of their era.  

Scientists say these creatures split into two groups – Ornithopods (which include duck-billed dinosaurs) and Marginocephalians (which had fancy headgear). The Moroccan fossils belong to the Ornithopods. 

This discovery is a game-changer in dinosaur history, suggesting the Middle Jurassic was a key moment for these giants to take over the prehistoric world. 

source/content: (headline edited)


A discovery in Morocco has unveiled the oldest Cerapodan dinosaur fossils on the lanet – dating back 174 million years. 