SUDANESE-AMERICAN Iman Abuzeid makes it on Forbes’ Richest Self-Made Women List

Achieving success is no easy feat especially if you are working from the ground up. With passion and skill, a lot of people achieve self-made success. Today we are celebrating one such individual, Sudanese-American physician Iman Abuzeid who is the co-founder and CEO of a digital nurse hiring platform. She just nabbed a spot on Forbes’ ninth annual list of America’s Richest Self-Made Women and for good reason, with an impressive net worth of 350 million US dollars.

Being only one of two Arab women on the Forbes list, Abuzeid’s ranking is placing the Arab identity and voice at the forefront. Beyond that, the 38-year-old doctor is the only self-made millionaire on the list who earns money through the field of medicine on Forbes’ list of America’s Richest Self-Made Women. She achieved her impressive ranking almost a year after her nurse-hiring start-up called Incredible Health was able to raise 80 million US dollars and that helped hike her company’s valuation to 1.65 billion US dollars.

Along with Abuzeid, many other prominent self-made women made it to the Forbes list including TV creator Shonda Rhimes and Insitro founder and CEO Daphne Koller. Also for the sixth consecutive year, the top spot went to building supply distributor Diane Hendricks. With all that being said, knowing the incredible work each of these women achieved acts as a beacon of inspiration for younger girls to follow in their footsteps.

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DUBAI, U.A.E: Expo City’s Dome, Al Wasl Plaza secures Guinness World Record for the ‘Largest Interactive Immersive Dome’

The city’s trophy cabinet has a new addition.

Dubai holds lots of Guinness World Records from being home to the world’s tallest tower, the world’s deepest swimming pool and the world’s tallest landmark sign.

And now, the city can add another accolade to its impressive list of world records as Expo City’s Al Wasl Plaza has secured a Guinness World Record.

Al Wasl Plaza – Expo City’s dome – has won the Guinness World Record title for the largest interactive immersive dome.

Alwaleed Osman, Official Adjudicator at Guinness World Records, said on the unveiling of the award: “Al Wasl Plaza stands as a testament to architectural excellence and a distinguished structure that resonates with those who have had the privilege of experiencing it.

“Its recognition in Guinness World Records underscores the commitment of Expo 2020, and the subsequent Expo City Dubai, to innovation and excellence.”

The beating heart of Expo City, it’s 130 metres in diameter and over 67 metres tall (that’s big enough to fit the Leaning Tower of Pisa beneath it) and visitors can see immersive 360° videos projected onto the surface of the dome.

Up to 252 laser projectors are used to put images on the architecture that can be viewed from inside or outside of the dome.

Designed by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, Al Wasl Plaza has been built using unique materials that ensure it can be used year-round.

The semi-outdoor space has a trellis framework made out of steel and the pattern is inspired by the logo of the Expo 2020 exhibition. Fun fact: The logo is fully visible at the apex of the dome.

During Expo 2020 Dubai, Al Wasl Plaza was a hub for events from concerts to performances and, next year, it will host the UNTOLD music festival.

Al Wasl Plaza hosts daily projection shows and, upon news of its latest award, has opened the new Al Wasl Plaza Café – a homegrown brand that offers Arabic fusion cuisine.

Expo City Dubai.

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EGYPT: Book Review: ‘Kozzika’ sheds light on the History of Greeks in Egypt

In her historical novel Cotissica, Ghada El-Absy depicts the story of the Greek adventurer and entrepreneur Theochari Kozzika (Egyptians pronounce the name in an Italian manner) and – in contrast – the life of a working-class Egyptian family.

Overwhelmed with dreams of wealth and prestige, Theochari arrives in Alexandria just after the Orabi Revolution (1879-1882) to live with his uncle Yanni and his wife.

Yanni does not help Theochari much except to give him advice, the most prominent is “middlemen are the new [Greek] gods.”

Theochari’s insatiable desire for money is evident when he allocates his uncle’s ships to repatriate Greeks from Alexandria during the bloody civil strife that erupted between foreigners and Egyptians in 1882 that culminated in the British bombardment of Alexandria and their ensuing conquest of Egypt.

El-Absy describes in detail an incident in which the British Consul’s Maltese servant, Francisco Zamit, starts a fight with an Egyptian coachman, stabbing him and taking shelter with the Maltese and the Greeks.

This is followed by fighting between the foreign communities in Alexandria, armed with pistols and guns, and Egyptians, carrying cudgels and sticks. The foreigners were driven by hatred and arrogance towards Egyptians, who in turn, felt humiliated in their own land until the Orabi Revolution awakened their wounded dignity.

One of the most unforgettable scenes in the novel is when a brave Egyptian man kills one of his countrymen who menaces a group of female Greek swimmers. The man leads the girls to safety, only to be shot by both the father and brother of one of the girls, who think that he is the one threatening them! One of the girls he saves, Angeliki, becomes Theochari’s wife later on and does charity, hoping to compensate the countrymen of this unknown hero.

Following the British occupation of Egypt, Theochari is joined by his younger brother, Polichronis.

Soon, Polichronis proved to be an indispensable partner for his elder brother through his exceptional skills in influencing and persuading people. Thus, Theochari decided to lay the plans and leave the execution of them to his younger brother.

Theochari took charge of providing the British troops with supplies during their Sudan campaign (1881-1899). He leaves Alexandria, establishing two factories in Tora, Cairo. One is for making alcohol for medical uses and the other is a brewery for making beer.

He makes the decision to move to Tora in order to be far away from both the greedy eyes of the British, who insist on taking a cut from every big business, and from the big Greek competitors, such as Gianaclis, owner of the famous wine factory.

El-Absy also provides a narrative from another universe, that of the family of Abdel-Alim, an Egyptian who works in Kozzika’s brewery.

This profession is a source of conflict within Abdel-Alim’s family. Whenever a male baby dies, his wife, Sabra, pours curses on him due to his profession, which is prohibited by Islam. In order to appease her, he gives her false promises that he will stop working in the brewery. He swings between staying and leaving until his best friend and co-worker takes him to hear a budding songstress, none other than Oum Kalthoum!

Abdel-Alim’s family is mired in superstitions and ignorance. For instance, Sabra asks a young man to put alms money, which she begged for, in a bundle and throw it in the street after walking for a while in order to make her son Talaat live, unlike his previous brothers.

El-Absy, who is a medical doctor, narrates an unbelievable story in which the jealous mother-in-law of Shawqia, Sabra’s most intimate friend and midwife, pays another midwife to let Shawqia’s baby die during delivery and then inserts a weasel into her womb to make her bleed and give her a hysterectomy.

Theochari and his brother begin to accumulate wealth, and all the while Abdel-Alim and his family are in a state of misery.

This misery is compounded by the inexplicable death of the husband of Abdel-Alim’s eldest daughter, Wedad, just ten days following the marriage. Following this calamity, Wedad resigns herself to sit beside the window for decades to become a clairvoyant. The rest of the daughters feel that their house is damned and join their mother in asking Abdel-Alim to stop working in the brewery so they can get married.

Throughout the novel, the author excessively merges Greek mythology with the minds, ideas, and words of Greek characters. For instance, after two and a half pages of engaging with and projecting mythological figures, the author says that Theochari was not that romantic!

El-Absy provides two friends and co-workers for Abdel-Alim: the Christian Anton and Samaan the Jew (this name is actually an error, as the Jewish name for Samaan is Sham’oon). These three characters are meant to convey the multi-confessional character of Egypt, with the three different religions working in the brewery in spite of it being taboo, at least for Muslims and Jews.

El-Absy, who is also a singer, devotes pages to Oum Kalthoum’s singing and the lyrics of her songs. It is this music that helps Abdel-Alim enter a phase of transcending intoxication and overcome his marital troubles.

However, one unconvincing scene is when Abdel-Alim, who is apparently illiterate, compares the establishment of the Tora Prison to the big prison in which Egypt is incarcerated.

The story of the Kozzika brothers continues through Theodore, Polichronis’ son. Theodore proves more than capable of managing the family business. He also has a much-publicized romantic affair with the American silent star Pearl White for the last ten years of her life.

Meanwhile, two of Abdel-Alim’s daughters marry, while the youngest, Set Abooha, shuns marriage, pursuing her studies and becoming a medical doctor. However, the only surviving son grows up, becomes a drug addict, kills one of his sisters, and steals her jewelry.

There are two scenes that were absolutely unnecessary. The first depicts Saad Zaghloul, the leader of the 1919 Revolution, in a dialogue with Sir Reginald Wingate, the British high commissioner. The second depicts Ahmed Aboud Pasha, the prominent Egyptian industrialist, talking to an unseen interlocutor about his career and his ambitions to seize the Kozzika brewery.

By this time, the winds had changed and the majority of foreigners had left Egypt after selling their businesses. This includes Theodore Kozzika, who sells his brewery and alcohol factory to Abboud Pasha, who converts them into a starch and glucose factory.

The novel consists of 35 chapters that are devoted either to the Kozzika or Abdel-Alim families, except in the final chapter where both families are mentioned together.

From the very first page, the author focuses on the mania of giving birth to male offspring among the Egyptian working classes represented by Sabra and her husband Abdel-Alim.

Ironically, the same tendency was also found in the Greek upper classes, albeit for totally different reasons, namely because the bride’s father paid the dowry.

This is demonstrated in a scene where Theochari’s wife, Angeliki, boils with jealousy when she learns that Polichronis’ French wife has given birth to a boy, while she gave birth to a girl.

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Cotissica, by Ghada El-Absy, Cairo: Al-Mahrousa Publishing, 2021. pp. 375



TUNISIAN-AMERICAN Muslim Scientist Dr. Moungi Gabriel Bawendi Awarded Nobel Prize In Chemistry For Quantum Dot Breakthrough

Dr. Moungi Gabriel Bawendi, a Tunisian-American scientist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been honored with the prestigious Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Dr. Bawendi, whose familial roots trace back to Tunisia, has risen as a figure of excellence and innovation within the scientific community. His pioneering work in quantum dots has propelled this field to the forefront of modern technology.

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is jointly awarded to Dr. Bawendi and two other distinguished laureates, Louis Brus and Alexi Ekimov, who, according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, “planted an important seed for nanotechnology.”

The revolutionary breakthrough that led to this prestigious accolade occurred in 1993 when Dr. Bawendi transformed the chemical production of quantum dots, creating nearly flawless particles. The exceptional quality of these quantum dots became a fundamental requirement for their application across a wide range of domains, from electronics to medicine.

Quantum dots have rapidly evolved to become integral components of cutting-edge technologies. They are currently illuminating computer monitors and TVs through Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode (QLED) technology, delivering enhanced color and clarity. Furthermore, biochemists and medical professionals utilise quantum dots for precise biological tissue mapping, offering invaluable insights into the human body’s intricacies.

Scientists and engineers envision an exciting future where quantum dots will play pivotal roles in flexible electronics, minuscule sensors, compact solar cells, and secure quantum communication. These tiny, luminous particles hold the potential to revolutionize industries, offering new possibilities for technological advancement.

“The Nobel Laureates … have succeeded in producing particles so small that their properties are determined by quantum phenomena. The particles, which are called quantum dots, are now of great importance in nanotechnology,” the Nobel Committee for Chemistry said in a statement.

“For a long time, nobody thought you could ever actually make such small particles,” Johan Aqvist, the chair of the Academy’s Nobel committee for chemistry, said at a news conference announcing the 2023 laureates. He introduced five colorful flasks, claiming they held liquid solutions of quantum dots, and proclaimed, “This year’s winners achieved success.”

“I wasn’t sure it was true,” said Dr. Bawendi when he received the call informing him of his Nobel Prize, as he shared in an interview with the Nobel Foundation. “It’s quite an honor and quite a surprise.”

The scientist also expressed his deep appreciation for sharing the prestigious award with his former mentor, Dr. Brus, stating, “He molded me as a scientist.”

Before the announcement, Dr. Bawendi had a 9 a.m. class on introductory quantum mechanics scheduled at M.I.T., but the day took an unexpected turn as the lesson transformed into a discussion of his remarkable career leading up to the Nobel Prize. Reflecting on the whirlwind of events, he calmly remarked, “I’m just going to let it ride.”

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TUNISIAN Professor Dr Ines Zaidi Wins Award in 9th edition ‘Francophone Award for Young Researchers in Science and Technology’

Ines Zaidi, Professor of Immunology at the Higher Institute of Medical Technologies at the University of Tunis El Manar, received the science and technology award of the Francophone University Agency during her participation in the ninth edition of the Francophone Award for Young Researchers.

Dr. Inas, a specialist in blood cell biology, excelled in the competition which included 113 candidates from different continents, such as America, Asia and Africa.

Thanks to her immensely advanced research, which demonstrates intelligence, scientific and cognitive abilities. The scholar’s work has also been published in more than 40 international medical articles, which have provided many additions to humanity, health and medicine in general. Zaidi has been awarded the Sadiq Bessour scientific prize for research excellence in 2017, supported by the Sadiq Foundation in collaboration with the University of Montreal and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in Tunisia.

Regarding the nature and importance of Ines ​Zaidi’s research, the piece of work highlights the inclusion and regulation of HASH-1 molecules in public health diseases, as an added value in the follow-up of pathological conditions, as well as in proposing new therapeutic strategies.

Only three other researchers in the world received the Francophone award from universities in Canada and Morocco, making them 4 international researchers with scientific recognition and utterly significant achievements.

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TUNISIA: Khaled Abdul Wahab, the Tunisian Schindler

During the Nazi occupation of Tunisia, numerous Jewish families were saved in the town of Mahdia by Khaled Abdul Wahab, nicknamed the Tunisian Schindler.

tTunisian man Khaled Abdul Wahab has received a historic nomination as the first Arab to be considered for the title of “Righteous Among the Nations.” This accolade is traditionally reserved for non-Jewish individuals who displayed valor in their efforts to rescue Jews from the persecution imposed by the Nazi regime.

The impetus for this nomination comes from Robert Satloff, the Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an American think tank. Satloff’s quest led him to the story of Khaled Abdul Wahab, scion of an aristocratic lineage. At the age of 32, he witnessed the arrival of German troops in Tunisia in November 1942. At that time, Tunisia was home to a Jewish population numbering around 100,000.

Before World War II, Tunisia was a French protectorate. As Nazi Germany expanded and occupied France, the country fell under German sway. Consequently, the Jewish community of Tunisia became threatened due to Nazi Germany’s antisemitic policies. Some Tunisians took it upon themselves to protect their Jewish neighbors, and Khaled Abdul Wahab was one of them.

“Some people find it difficult to accept the idea that Arabs may have assisted Jews,” said Satloff. “It would demonstrate to some Arabs that they were willing to help their Jewish neighbors.”

An intermediary and protector

Due to his German speaking skills, he played a pivotal role as an intermediary between the residents of the coastal town of Mahdia and the occupying German forces, facilitating communication and acting as a protector.

One particularly noteworthy episode revolves around his timely intervention upon learning of the sinister intentions of German officers towards Odette Boukhris, a local Jewish woman. Abdul Wahab promptly gathered her family and several other Jewish families from Mahdia, totaling approximately two dozen individuals, and relocated them to the safety of his rural estate outside the town. He provided them sanctuary for an unbroken duration of four months.

He has been likened to a Tunisian Schindler for imperiling his own life to provide sanctuary to Jews amidst the Nazi stranglehold on Tunisia. Satloff believes the Tunisian man represents “a very powerful symbol from a historical point of view.”

Despite these commendable actions, the formal recognition of the man as “Righteous Among the Nations” hinges on approval by the Yad Vashem commission responsible for bestowing this distinction. It’s worth noting that Yad Vashem has bestowed this status upon approximately 21,700 individuals since the conclusion of World War II, with around 60 Muslims from the Balkans among the recipients as well as the German-Egyptian doctor Mohammed Helmy.

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EGYPTIAN-AMERICAN: AI Captain! Rana El Kaliouby’s bold trek to the final frontier of Humanising Technology

Egyptian-American founder of Affectiva is on a mission to revolutionise the way we connect with our digital devices, and each other, by building in emotional intelligence.

The earliest memory that Rana El Kaliouby can conjure is of standing on a tiny blue plastic chair in a romper suit confidently declaring whatever was on her toddler mind at the time.

She is about three years old, revelling in her father’s attention as he dispenses tips – “look at the audience, enunciate your words” – and records the ramblings for posterity with the first commercially available home video camera.

These regular living room sessions led to El Kaliouby going on to give many accomplished public-speaking performances around the world as an artificial intelligence scientist and entrepreneur, most recently this month at the CogX Festival Deep Tech Summit in London.

Her big message after decades working in technology is that the final frontier lies at the point where AI can be immersed in emotional intelligence , or EI, to revolutionise the human-to-computer experience.

But it’s obvious that the first seeds of that life-fulfilling mission were sown more than 40 years ago in her childhood home in Kuwait where she was first encouraged to get to grips with ideas and machines.

“Our family is really big on education, the thing my parents invested in me and my sisters,” El Kaliouby, 45, tells The National.

“And because they were both in tech, we were always exposed to the latest and greatest gadgets. I was a big Atari game player,” she adds, laughing.

El Kaliouby looks back fondly on those clunky old VHS cassettes and hours the family spent playing Pac-Man as examples of the positive way in which electronic devices can bring loved ones together.

Less happy interactions with latter-day technology, however, brought about the realisation that something was missing – all the rich communication signals provided by non-verbal cues were being lost.

An enterprising mission

Her focus ever since has been on developing artificial intelligence that recognises facial expressions so that people can have better connections with their laptops, and, crucially, with each other.

Born in Egypt after her tech guru father, Ayman, met his future wife, Randa Sabry, on a university campus, it seems almost inevitable that El Kaliouby grew up to be a proud geek pursuing a career in computer science.

“It’s a cute story,” she says. “My dad was teaching COBOL programming, this obsolete language that nobody uses any more but was the programming language in the 70s.

“My mum, who was a business major, decided to explore this thing called computer science, and he was kind of interested in going out with her. She said, ‘I don’t do that. No dating allowed.’ And he was like: ‘Ok, then I’ll propose.’”

Soon after, the newlyweds moved to Kuwait, and her mother became one of the first female computer programmers in the Middle East, until having to flee when Saddam Hussein invaded.

Aiming for the stars

Next stop was Abu Dhabi, where El Kaliouby’s Muslim-Arab upbringing was conventional in many ways, bounded by “lots and lots” of rules that included not making any boy friends while at school.

“I always imagined walking around with a gold star on my forehead. I was a very nice, rule-abiding daughter. I stuck to the strict curfews. I never dated through high school or college and I think, by and large, I was always an A student.

“But, at the same time, it was very empowering. I have two younger sisters and the message was always: ‘You can do anything you want in the world.’”

She continued to meet these expectations into her early 20s, earning undergraduate and master’s degrees in Computer Science at the American University in Cairo, and marrying the founder of a start-up, Wael Amin.

Within a year, though, El Kaliouby was undertaking a PhD 5,000km away at Cambridge University despite both sets of parents saying: “Wait a second, you’re married now and you can’t leave.”

Amin, she says, deserves the credit for supporting her daring dream and agreeing to a long-distance relationship.

“It was really unheard of. I did break rules more as an adult as I explored my passions and my quest for being a researcher and an entrepreneur.

“That’s how I think I pushed the boundaries and definitely made my parents uncomfortable.”

And then? “I like the wording that my life went off the rails. I think that kind of encapsulates it.

“Cambridge opened my horizons. It’s like I discovered the world and it was hard to unlearn that.”

The enthusiasm for her life’s work comes across even through the medium of our Zoom interview, but it’s also clear that this was not an easy time.

El Kaliouby arrived in England a few days after the September 11, 2001 attack in America, a young Arab woman then wearing a hijab.

“I was visibly Muslim. My parents were very concerned about my safety.”

The perpetual smile she adopted by way of a peace offering was also something of a mask, hiding the loneliness and separation from those she loved.

Back then, the technological means for staying in contact across the distance was largely restricted to the kind of messaging that proved a barrier to expressing true feelings, making El Kaliouby all the more determined to humanise technology.

“My PhD was centred around building a machine with emotional artificial intelligence, and I recognised at the time that a lot of the ways I was communicating with my family back home, and especially my husband, was through chat.

“We didn’t have video communication and it was certainly very expensive to make phone calls so we would use texting.

“I often felt I could hide my emotions behind the machine. There were many days where I would be homesick or even in tears, but I’d never communicate that. The best I could do was send a sad face emoji.”

The personal hardships became a driving force for her work. In a career paved with “what if” moments, El Kaliouby began to ask: “What if we could teach technology to understand us in the same way that we understand each other?”

“It’s not even in the choice of words we use. It’s our vocal intonations, our facial expressions, our body posture – and all of that was just getting lost via digitally mediated communications.”

Life was about to take another decisive twist as she received an email that the scientist, inventor and entrepreneur Professor Rosalind Picard was coming to give a talk on campus.

El Kaliouby had long been an admirer of this trailblazing woman in an almost overwhelmingly male-led field, whose book on designing computers to recognise human emotions she read while still in Cairo.

Life-changing encounter

“I often say this is the moment that changed the trajectory of my life,” she says of Picard’s request to meet some of the students.

So impressed was Picard by this intense young woman that she offered El Kaliouby a post-doctorate place on the Affective Computing Research Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab before their first 20-minute conversation had ended.

“I remember thinking, ‘But I need to go back to Egypt. I have this husband waiting for me.’ And she basically said, ‘Just commute from Cairo. Show up whenever you want to.’’’

By then, El Kaliouby had a daughter, Jana, born in the UK, and a son, Adam, arrived in that other Cambridge in the US, but the constant round trips were becoming unsustainable.

“I was just doing that crazy back and forth. I would say it was OK until it went insanely chaotic when I started the company.”

The company was Affectiva, founded with Picard in 2009 with the goal of creating a commercial applications of emotion-sensing AI.

Growth was fast and it was an exciting time but there was another, darker side. “I was travelling so much, there was very little presence in anything I did,” El Kaliouby says.

Big lesson learnt

“I feel like I was out of balance. I didn’t make any time to sleep well. I would wake up at three in the morning almost every day and fire all these emails to my team. And so these poor people would wake up at six or seven in the morning with a whole slew of notes from me.

“I would go on vacation with my husband and my two young kids, and I’d just be on call all the time. There were zero boundaries, zero balance, and that was a big lesson learnt. There’s always time for self-care. There should always be time to spend with family and loved ones and friends. And, I didn’t do that, you know?”

By 2016, she was a divorced mother of two young children living full-time in America, and decided to bare that vulnerability in her role as chief executive of Affectiva.

Staff could see on El Kaliouby’s calendar that 3.30pm was demarcated to collect her son from school, and she explained to them that a Zumba class each Friday ensured a happier, healthier leader.

“I think it made for a much more authentic environment,” she says.

The family now lives in what El Kaliouby describes as a charming New England home filled with distinctive Middle Eastern touches and often by the aroma of molokhia soup made to her mother’s recipe.

Love for Egypt

“It’s very modern but with a lot of Egyptian things, Arab and Islamic inscriptions. I think of myself as Egyptian American, and very Egyptian in a lot of ways. I love Egypt. A lot of qualities – the Arab warmth, generosity and even intimacy – that’s very much who I am and I would say it’s the same for my kids.

“But I also have embraced what people would call American values. I’m very ambitious, very driven, very globally minded.”

That ambition and drive has taken her far. Affectiva is employed by brands in about 90 countries for market research, but also helps children with developmental difficulties, such as autism , to better interact with those around them.

More recently, the company has developed technology to make driving safer by enabling cars to detect if a motorist is becoming drowsy or distracted.

It was acquired in 2021 by the Swedish AI giant SmartEye for what was said to be about $73 million, with El Kaliouby becoming deputy chief executive.

She has long predicted that the day will come when all devices have an emotion chip and we won’t remember what it was like before screens could comprehend the meaning of us frowning at them.

“When we first started doing this work, we always said this will become ubiquitous and ingrained in every technology. Now, I think it’s more true than ever because AI is becoming a lot more conversational and perceptual.

“You can imagine that the final frontier is this emotional and social intelligence. Initially, my work was very much around human-to-computer interaction, making machines more intelligent, and how they communicate with humans.

“Now it’s back to the human connection. How are AI assistants and AI technologies going to make us better humans, especially better at connecting with each other?”

Along the way, she has learnt that daily affirmations are as integral to life as algorithms, and celebrating the small achievements, such as growing her own tulips, is as important as publishing a best-selling memoir, Girl Decoded.

Among the accolades amassed, El Kaliouby can cite becoming a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, being listed on the Forbes Top 50 Women in Tech, and receiving the Smithsonian Magazine’s American Ingenuity Award in Technology. Earlier this year, she was invited to ring the opening bell on New York’s Nasdaq exchange as a female pioneer in AI, and was recently made a 2023 Eisenhower Fellow.

None of this seems to have gone to her head, however, perhaps because her family does a good job of keeping her grounded.

When El Kaliouby gave a TED Talk some years ago, she explained that in emotion science all facial muscle movements are measured as action units with specific numbers for each.

Words from the wise

In a throwback to those early guided sessions in the family living room in Kuwait, the night before she walked on stage, her daughter Jana, 12 at the time, helpfully texted: “Good luck mummy!! I’m sure your gonna do awesome. Remember: don’t play with your hair, connect with audience, give them a present, gesture on words, gesture to emphasise.”

The response sent in live time was the old-school 🙂 emoticon but the algorithm that is El Kaliouby’s labour of love would have strongly detected action unit 12, the main component of, in this particular case, a very indulgent smile.

From her parting message to readers of The National, it is clear that she won’t rest until the technology responds just as accurately across the whole gamut of social and emotional states irrespective of people’s age, gender or ethnicity. Going forward, El Kaliouby insists, the watchword has to be inclusivity.

“I’m on this mission to diversify the face of AI. So it’s a call to action to get involved. It’s super exciting and we need a lot of diverse people being part of it.”

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EGYPT: Architectural Historian May El-Ibrashy Wins Prince Claus Fund’s Impact Award

Egyptian architectural historian May El-Ibrashy is among the winners of the 2022 Prince Claus Impacts awards for her contribution and innovation in her community.

The Prince Claus Fund has announced on Tuesday the six recipients of the first 2022 Prince Claus Impact Awards. 

The new award honours individuals whose work in art and culture engages their communities in innovative, positive ways while addressing issues of urgent contemporary relevance.

El-Ibrashy is an architect whose work centres on community engagement through heritage conservation, rehabilitation, preservation, and re-signification. She is the founder of the Megawra Built Environment Collective, a twinship between an architectural firm and an NGO.

Through her work she has managed to create a real difference for the often-marginalised communities living in Cairo’s historic centre and has created an important counter narrative to the current government’s focus on urban expansion and renewal, creating a new sense of hope and pride for the communities she works with. 

Focusing on Al-Khalifa District in Sayeda Zeinab, Al-Hattaba district by the citadel, and Al-Imam Al-Shafii district, El-Ibrashy’s participatory conservation initiative is an inspiring successful community dialogue that has been going on for 10 years. The impact of the dialogue still resonates in the communities of Al Khalifa District, Al-Hattaba and Al-Imam Al-Shafii.

The other five recipients are: 

Ailton Alves Lacerda Krenak (Brazil), an indigenous leader, environmentalist, and philosopher.

Alain Gomis (Senegal), a Senegalese-French film director and screenwriter.

Hassan Darsi (Morocco), a visual artist whose work promotes critical thinking about public spaces and citizenship.

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara (Cuba), an artist and human rights defender.

María Medrano (Argentina) is a writer, poet and editor.

The Awards Ceremony shall take place in the Royal Palace Amsterdam on the 7th of December.

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Egyptian Architectural Historian May El-Ibrashy.



MOROCCO’s Arif Esa Appointed Deputy Chairman at International Trade Council (ITC)

Esa hopes that his new role will help him raise Morocco’s profile in the fintech and digital industry globally.

Founder and CEO of Moroccan fintech startup moneyIN Arif Esa has assumed the position of Deputy Chairman for the Banking/Finance/Blockchain & Trade Finance department at the International Trade Council (ITC). 

This appointment not only recognizes Esa’s outstanding contributions but also positions him as the first Moroccan entrepreneur to hold such a role within the ITC.

Esa, who holds a stellar track record in finance and fintech, with a portfolio of global recognition and awards, spoke with Morocco World News about his motivation for taking this role, as well as his new responsibilities and objectives.

“Accepting this responsibility was not just an honor but an opportunity to provide pivotal advice and give back to the community. It also aligns seamlessly with our global vision to establish Morocco and Africa as prominent players in the fintech and digital industry,” he said.

As a globally recognized figure, Esa’s reputation in the finance and fintech industry drew the attention of the ITC panel, which spans 179 countries, 79 government trade and investment agencies, 418 chambers of commerce, and a vast network of businesses and employees. 

After undergoing a “meticulous” evaluation process, Esa was humbled to be selected as the Deputy Chairman of this division, he said.

In his capacity as Deputy Chairman, Esa will play a key role in shaping the strategic direction of the ITC’s Banking/Finance/Blockchain & Trade Finance department. 

This role includes overseeing various key focus areas, including financial Instruments, risk mitigation, regulatory compliance, promoting innovative solutions, and capacity building, among others.

A bridge to Morocco

Highlighting the significance of his new role, the Moroccan entrepreneur emphasized, “I am excited about the impact we can collectively achieve, and I look forward to contributing meaningfully to the growth and transformation of trade finance and continuing to promote Morocco and the economy in the years to come.”

One of the central aspects of Esa’s new position is its potential impact on the Moroccan fintech landscape and businesses. His appointment is expected to open doors for Moroccan start-ups and fintech ventures on an international platform, he said.

“With my reputation, influence, and track record in the finance and fintech industry, I am poised to attract heightened attention and interest from investors, venture capitalists, and family offices,” he underlined.

In addition, the Moroccan entrepreneur intends to use his position to advocate for supportive regulatory frameworks for fintech start-ups in Morocco, fostering an environment that encourages investment. 

He also emphasized the importance of mentorship and personalized guidance, stressing that he is “committed to assisting start-ups in overcoming challenges, honing their strategies, and maximizing their potential for success.”

Esa’s engagement with international networks through the ITC is expected to provide Moroccan start-ups with expanded access to global markets, he noted, explaining that it will help them open doors to new markets and strengthen their credibility and standing on a global stage.

He further emphasized that his appointment “symbolizes a bridge between the Moroccan fintech ecosystem and the international financial landscape,” allowing him to “catalyze a transformational shift in how Moroccan start-ups are perceived, supported, and propelled towards greater success.”

Esa reflected on his journey with Morocco moneyIN, an instant payment solution, and how it prepared him for this new position.

“My journey with moneyIN Morocco has been a transformative experience that has uniquely prepared me for the prestigious role of Deputy Chairman within the Banking/Finance/Blockchain & Trade Finance department at the International Trade Council,” he explained.

He highlighted several key areas where his experience with moneyIN proved instrumental, including his ability to navigate the rapidly evolving fintech landscape and understand the potential of technologies like blockchain.

In particular, his background as an entrepreneur equipped him to empathize with the challenges start-ups face and advocate for measures that facilitate their growth.

His engagement with start-ups underscored the importance of mentorship and education, which Esa plans to extend globally.

Esa concluded by offering valuable advice to aspiring Moroccan entrepreneurs, encouraging them to “dream boldly, embrace disruption, and lead with integrity.”

He emphasized the importance of resilience, continuous learning, and global thinking, saying, “Aspire not only to make a mark but to leave an indelible legacy of positive change that reverberates across borders and generations.”

source/content: (headline edited)




TANZANIA: The Top Seven Human Evolution Discoveries From Tanzania

Fossil finds from Tanzania in the mid-20th century kicked off East African hominid hunting.

Lucy and Ardi are the poster children of human evolution. But these famous fossil skeletons may never have been found if it weren’t for Louis and Mary Leakey’s pioneering efforts. The pair made several discoveries at Tanzania’s Olduvai Gorge in the 1950s and 1960s that inspired other anthropologists to come to East Africa in search of human ancestors. Here’s a look at some of the most important hominid fossil finds from Tanzania.

The Nutcracker Man (OH 5): The Leakeys’ first major discovery at Olduvai Gorge occurred in 1959. Mary found the roughly 1.8-million-year-old skull of a hominid with a flat face, gigantic teeth, a large crest on the top of its head (where chewing muscles attached) and a relatively small brain. They named the species Zinjanthropus boisei (now known as Paranthropus boisei). Nicknamed the Nutcracker Man, the species was too different from modern people to be the direct human ancestor that Louis had been hoping to find. But the discovery captured public interest in human evolution, and the Leakeys went on to unearth many more hominid fossils at Olduvai. OH 5 is the fossil’s official catalog name, meaning Olduvai Hominid Number 5.

Johnny’s Child (OH 7): The next big Leaky discovery came in 1960. Mary and Louis’ son, Johnny, found a lower jaw about 300 yards away from where the Nutcracker Man was discovered. The bone came from a young hominid; thus, the fossil was nicknamed Johnny’s Child. At the same spot, the Leakeys also dug up some hand bones and skull fragments. Using these skull fragments, the Leakeys and their colleagues estimated the roughly 1.8-million-year-old hominid’s brain size: 680 cubic centimeters. That was significantly bigger than the size of the average australopithecine brain, about 500 cubic centimeters. The hand bones revealed that the hominid had a “precision grip,” when a fingertip presses against the tip of the thumb. This movement allows for fine manipulation of objects, such as turning a key in a door or threading a needle. The precision grip led the Leakeys to conclude that this hominid was the one who made the stone tools found at Olduvai. Because of the tool-making and the big brain, the Leakeys decided OH 7 represented the earliest member of the genus HomoHomo habilis (meaning Handy Man).

OH 8: Also in 1960, the Leakeys’ team discovered a well-preserved fossil foot belonging to H. habilisThe bones indicate the hominid had modern-looking foot arches, suggesting the species walked like modern people do. Tooth marks on the specimen’s ankle reveal the hominid had been a crocodile’s lunch.

OH 9: At the same time the Leakeys unearthed the first examples of H. habilis, they also recovered the skull cap of a more recent hominid dating to about 1.4 million years ago. At 1,000 cubic centimeters, the specimen’s brain was much bigger than that of H. habilis. The skull had thick brow ridges and a low, sloped forehead—key features linking the fossil to the species Homo erectus.

Twiggy (OH 24): Discovered in 1968 by Peter Nzube, Twiggy is a skull belonging to an adult H. habilis dating to roughly 1.8 million years ago. Although OH 24 is the most complete H. habilis skull from Olduvai Gorge, it was found crushed completely flat (and therefore named after the slender British model of the same name). Paleoanthropologist Ron Clarke reconstructed what the skull would have looked like, but it’s still fairly distorted.

LH 4: In the 1970s, after Louis died, Mary began excavations at Laetoli, about 30 miles from Olduvai Gorge. The fossils she was finding there were much older than the bones she and Louis had discovered at Olduvai. In 1974, for example, her team unearthed a lower jaw with teeth dating to 3.6 million years ago. It was cataloged as Laetoli Homind 4, or LH 4. Around the same time, anthropologists at the site of Hadar in Ethiopia were also finding hominid fossils dating to more than 3 million years ago, including the famous Lucy skeleton. At first, no one was sure what to call these older fossils. After analyzing both the Hadar and Laetoli specimens, anthropologists Tim White and Donald Johanson (Lucy’s discoverer) concluded that all of the fossils represented one species that they called Australopithecus afarensis. They chose LH 4 as the species’ type specimen, or the standard representative of the species. Mary did not approve. She didn’t believe the fossils from Laetoli were australopithecines. But under the rules of taxonomy, once a type specimen is designated, it’s forever associated with its species name. (For more on the controversy, see Johanson’s book Lucy.)

Laetoli Footprints: In 1978, one of Mary’s team members, Paul Abell, made the most famous discovery at Laetoli: He found the trail of about 70 fossilized hominid footprints. Based on the footprints’ age, 3.6 million years, anthropologists think they were made by an A. afarensis group. The footprints reveal this early hominid had a very modern way of walking. The big toe was in line with the other toes, not off to the side like an ape’s big toe. And the prints reveal the walkers had arches, unlike the flat feet of an ape. The footprints also suggest A. afarensis had a modern gait.

source/content: (headline edited)


An artist’s reconstruction of Paranthropus boisei, a hominid species that was first discovered in Tanzania. Image: dctim1/Flickr
