Luxor African Film Festival announces Winners of 11th edition : March 10th, 2022

Taking place between 4 and 10 March in Luxor, the festival screened over 45 films from 35 countries in its numerous competitive categories.

The jury of this competition included director Moussa Touré (Senegal), director Yousry Nasrallah (Egypt), director Apolline Traoré (Burkina Faso), critic Kamal Ben Wanas (Tunisia) and actor Jimmy Jean-Louis (Haiti).

The winners are:
Best Film: Communion (Tunisia)
Jury Award: The Gravedigger’s Wife (Somalia)
Special Mention: L’accord (The Agreement) (Cameroon)

The Long Documentaries Competition included 11 titles, with five renowned filmmakers on its jury — director Katie Needy (Senegal), critic Phoebe Curry (Uganda), director of photography Mahmoud Abdel-Samie (Egypt), director Mohamed Seyam (Egypt), and director Peter Sedovia (Ghana).

The winners are:
Best Film: Faya Dayi (Ethiopia)
Jury Award: Morning Star (Madagascar)
Special Mention: The Last Shelter (Mali, South Africa)

The Short Films Competition screened 15 films. The jury consisted of director Khaled El-Haggar (Egypt), director Fatomato Coulibaly (Mali), critic Ahmed Shawqy (Egypt), director Daoud Wilad Al-Sayed (Morocco), and actress Ghalia Ben Ali (Tunisia).

The winners are:
Best Film: Tender Threads (Morocco)
Jury Award: Baby Blue (Senegal)
Special Mention: Sixteen Rounds (Uganda)

The festival also presented films in the Diaspora Competition, screening nine films to a jury consisting of director Rachid Mashharawi (Palestine), producer Doura Bouchoucha (Tunisia), and actor Ahmed Magdi (Egypt).

The winners are:
Best Film: As Far As I Can Walk (Serbia)
Special Mention: A Brighter Tomorrow (Algeria)

The festival also granted film The Gravedigger’s Wife (Somalia) the FIPRESCI Best Film Award while Egyptian film Batool received Best Film Award in the Women Issues Competition.


Celebrating African identity through filmmaking, the LAFF was launched in 2010 by the Independent Shabab Foundation (ISF) — a non-profit organisation registered at the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Founded and chaired by scriptwriter Sayed Fouad, the festival’s board includes Mahmoud Hemida, the LAFF’s honourary president, and Azza El-Husseini, the LAFF’s co-founder and executive director.

In its 11th edition, LAFF chose Uganda as the country of honour and also honoured the late Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambéty and Tunisian director, Férid Boughedir. The iconic Egyptian star Hussein Fahmy was granted the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Moreover, the festival honoured Egyptian singer and actress Hoda Sultan, actor Mahmoud Morsy and Moroccan director and producer Mohamed Ismail.

The LAFF paid tribute to Egyptian star Amr Saad and Burkinabe filmmaker Apolline Traoré.

The LAFF is organised by the ISF under the auspices of the Egyptian culture, tourism and foreign ministries with the National Bank of Egypt and other partners.

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Morocco’s Hannou Oumarouch: Courageous Amazigh Militant and MWN’s Woman of the Year

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Morocco World News launched a symbolic award, celebrating in a series of articles the outstanding achievements of Moroccan women who have left their imprint on society.

Alongside 10 other strong female leaders, Hannou Oumarouch was placed in special recognition at the top of the list. 

Born in 1961, Hannou Oumarouch is a 64-year-old Moroccan woman who lives in Tilmi, 70 kilometers from Tinghir.

Hannou is known for her courage in addressing and defending women’s concerns in the “Ait Hadido” tribe. She has also been active in the Regional Consultative Commission for Equality and Women’s Issues in the region.

Elected to the Municipal Council for the first time under the banner of the National Rally of Independents, she won an electoral seat for the party in the rural commune of Talmi, which is affiliated with Mesmerir in Tinghir province. 

She was asked to join a Regional Council mission visiting China, where she represented Morocco and drew the attention of the Chinese media owing to her typical spontaneity and Amazigh attire.

She became a member of the Provincial Council of Tinghir, at the end of September 2021, and subsequently Hannou was elected as president of the commission in charge of social development and the family.

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March 09th – Egypt Commemorates Martyr’s Day

The day is originally held in the memory of Lieutenant General Abdel Moneim Riyad’s martyrdom in 1969, when he went to the front on the second day of the War of Attrition to personally follow up on the results of the previous day’s battle and to be among his armed forces’ colleagues

“I Am from Every Egyptian House.” Under this slogan, Egypt’s armed forces launched the celebration of Martyr’s Day on the 53rd anniversary of the martyrdom of Lieutenant-General Abdel Moneim Riyad.

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Somali-Italian Abdullahi Ahmed Moalim Elected Councillor in Torino City, Italy

Somali immigrant who conquered the high seas for seven months in 2008 elected Councillor in Italy.

He braved the desert and the high seas at the height of turmoil in Mogadishu in 2008 and for seven months, Abdullahi Ahmed Moalim kept the dream alive against the odds of the dangerous journeys taken by many Somalis but survived by a few.

This week, Moalim was elected a Councillor in Turino City in Italy becoming the first Somali immigrant to occupy the position in about 25 years. He garnered 1112 votes in City Council elections conducted on October 17, 2021

Upon arrival in Italy in 2008, Moalim integrated into his new home and eight years later in 2016, he was granted citizenship.

“I declared my candidature in July after the Democratic Party convinced me to run for the seat in October elections. We launched a two months campaign which was fruitful and helped us secure the seat,” Moalim said in a media interview.

Asked about his priorities, Moalim said he aspired to fight Islamophobia and was intend on seeking the Council’s approval for a day every month to create awareness on countering Islamophobia.

Moalim now joins the ranks of Mohamed Aden Sheikh who was elected to Turino City Council in 1997.

He also enters the club of growing number of Somalis who have been elected into office in countries such as Canada and the US.



Abdullahi Ahmed Moalim



Egypt’s Zeinab El Kawashti: The Female Wedding Officiator Defying Gender Roles

In December 2020, Zeinab el Kawashti married a couple, Sondos and Karim, in front of their family and friends. In a different time and place, this would have been a normal occurrence, yet it was the first time any of the guests had seen a woman as a marriage officiant.

This is not odd, given that female Ma’azin (Muslim marriage officiants) are extremely rare.

The first-ever female marriage officiant in Egypt was Amal Soliman; she was hired in 2018 by the Egyptian family court and has since then married more than 300 couples. Many were inspired by Soliman, among them El Kawashti.

El Kawashti is a female M’azoun, a mother of three, and an Azhar Law and Religious Studies graduate.

To become a Ma’zoun in Egypt, one must have at least a Bachelor’s degree. Ma’azin are restricted to their jobs as officiants, with no further commitments. There are around 45 requirements to become a Ma’zoun in Egypt, including age. As of 2014, a Ma’zoun can only be between the ages of thirty and forty. The requirements also include maintaining optimal physical wellbeing.

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Zeinab El Kawashti officiating at a katb ketab. Photo Credit: Sondos Moussa



 Latifa Ibn Ziaten, Awarded ‘Zayed Award for Human Fraternity 2022’ : March 01st, 2022

Latifa Ibn Ziaten . French-Moroccan Activist. President, Association for Youth and Peace (IMAD).

Zayed Award for Human Fraternity has empowered me to continue fighting: Latifa Ibn Ziaten.

Anti-extremist French-Moroccan activist Latifa Ibn Ziaten, President of the Association for Youth and Peace (IMAD), called on countries participating in Expo 2020 Dubai to support the efforts aimed at supporting peaceful coexistence and combatting extremism.

She also lauded the UAE’s efforts to encourage social peace and promote the principles of tolerance and human fraternity.

In an exclusive interview with the Emirates News Agency (WAM), Latifa Ibn Ziaten, winner of the award in 2021, expressed her appreciation for the award.

“I am proud to be here in the UAE, the country that gave me the opportunity to win the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity, which empowered and motivated me to continue my journey and fight to help marginalised youths,” she said.

“We need to help each other, most notably the youth who engage in terrorism. I will explore the reasons that led them to choose extremism, as people are not born terrorists, but factors, such as misery, ignorance, desperation and specific lifestyles, have led them to become prey for terrorism,” she added.

Ibn Ziaten said that she delivered several lectures in Abu Dhabi on terrorism and participated in seminars on how to save the youth from terrorism, in addition to delivering lectures in Morocco, the US, India and Mali. In France, she has worked with the Ministry of Education and conducts weekly lectures to raise the awareness of the youth.

After her son was killed in a terrorist attack in 2021, Latifa Ibn Ziaten has dedicated herself to promoting tolerance and countering terrorism.





Winners of 17th Algerian International Quran Contest Awarded

Top winners of the 17th edition of Algeria’s international Quran competition were awarded in a ceremony on Sunday, February 28th

Zeinab Bin Yousuf won claimed the title of the event. Yahya Bilal Yousuf from Bahrain and Syrian Abd al-Rahman Mohammad Hardan ranked third.

The ceremony was attended by a host of Algerian Quran activists and officials.

Representatives from 48 countries took part in this edition, which was held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The contestants went to Algeria’s embassies and consulates in their country to take part in the competition via video links.

Members of the panel of judges were from Algeria, Egypt, and Guinea.

According to Algeria’s Awqaf ministry, Wa Rattil al-Quran Tartila (referring to verse 4 of Surah a-Muzmmil that orders reciting the Quran in Tarteel) was the motto of this year’s competition.

Unlike previous editions that were held in the holy month of Ramadan, this edition was organized in the lunar Hijri month of Rajab on the occasion of Lailat-Al-Miraj, the day when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to all the seven stages of heaven.

Launched in 2004, Algeria’s international Quran contest is held annually on memorization of the Holy Quran with the participation of young people under the age of 25.





RECORDS : Morocco holds the Record for ‘Africa’s Tallest Turbine’ : February 2022

The state-of-the-art wind turbine in Morocco’s Oualidia is expected to generate an annual average of 2.500 MW/h, reducing CO2 emissions by 2.500 tonnes every year.

The 144-meter tall structure, part of the InnoVent’s Oualidia wind farm, provides a milestone thanks to high production capacity and cost-efficiency.

Construction work for the turbine began in 2019 following a deal between Morocco’s government and Spanish renewable energy company Nabrawind Technologies.

The installation is the first “self-erecting turbine” for Nabrawind Technologies.

Aside from breaking the continental height record for turbines, the Nabralift tower is special on grounds of the innovative construction method. The company used an innovative self-erecting system to construct the tower, without the need for conventional large-size cranes.

Built in collaboration with French developer InnoVent, the turbine additionally breaks the record for the tallest turbine constructed with a self-erecting system.

The innovative construction model was also cost-optimal as the tower only needed 80 square-cubic meters of concrete for its foundation, down from 500 square-cubic meters necessary for structures of such height, lowering cost by 60%.  





Tunisia’s Dr.Hichem Djait – Historian, Scholar and Prolific Author

Tunisia bid a final farewell on June 1 to the prominent historian and scholar of Islam – Hichem Djait, whose input was seminal to research on critical periods of Islamic history. From sociological, philosophical and anthropological perspectives, Djait’s publications offer insight into key issues facing the interpretation of Islamic history and the interaction of Islam with modernity.

Born in 1935 in Tunis to an erudite family in Islamic jurisprudence, Djait received a conservative education in his immediate milieu before attending the Sadiki high school in Tunis, which opened the gates for him to French and Western culture in general. He received an advanced degree in history in France in 1962. Afterwards, he obtained a Ph.D. in Islamic history from the Sorbonne University in Paris in 1981.

In a comment on his learning journey from Tunis to Paris, he said: “My discovery of philosophy was decisive. It was a conquest and a spiritual awakening, and I do not mean that only in a metaphysical sense, but also at the level of psychology, ethics and logic. It was then that preconceived certainties began to melt away and I discovered biology and the theory of evolution, and all of this amazed me and astonished me at the same time.” (See a related article, “Do Human Evolution and Islam Conflict in the Classroom?”)

Djait, who died at age 86, spent nearly half a century investigating Islamic history and Arab culture. He was an emeritus professor at the University of Tunis and a visiting professor in several renowned higher education institutions, including McGill University, in Montreal, and the University of California at Berkeley. He was also a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, chairman of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, and a member of the International Scientific Committee that produced Unesco’s eight-volume General History of Africa.

His stay in the West inspired him to write Europe and Islam, a book that sheds light on the interplay between Islam and Western civilizationHis magnum opus remains The Great Fitna (La Grande Discorde), a groundbreaking work in the study of a major period of Islamic history in line with a rigorous academic approach.

The Great Fitna answers questions relating to the outbreak of infighting between Muslims right after the death of the Prophet. Other of Djait’s masterpieces include Islamic Culture in CrisisThe Arab-Islamic Personality and the Arab Destiny, and The Founding of the Islamic West.

His focus shifted more towards writing the biography of the Prophet Muhammad using scientific lenses in what has been described as a bold approach to Islamic history that breaks away from the sacralization that permeates the work of many Arab scholars on the subject. His goal was to rewrite prophetic tradition in a scientific way that combines comparative history with anthropological insight.

In this respect, he made it clear that a distinction should be made between historical thought, historiography and the philosophy of history. This book was written in three parts and puts the genesis of Islam in its historical context. (See a related article, “A New Perspective on the Last Days of the Prophet.”)

Djait received a constellation of distinctions and prizes, including being named Arab Cultural Personality of the Year by the Arab Institute for Research and Publishing in Beirut in 2016, and being honored in 2018 by a group of Arab researchers who dedicated to him a book that sheds light on his rich academic and intellectual journey.

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Hichem Djait died June 2021 at age 86. The Tunisian scholar spent nearly half a century investigating Islam’s place in history and in the modern world (Photo: from Facebook).



UAE becomes World’s Largest Rough Diamond Trading Hub

The Industry convenes for Dubai Diamond Conference 2022.

DMCC – the world’s flagship Free Zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise – today hosted its flagship Dubai Diamond Conference (DDC) held under the theme “The Future of Diamonds”. 

In his opening remarks, Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DMCC, announced that the UAE reached the top spot globally as a rough diamond hub, trading over USD 22.8 billion worth of rough diamonds in 2021. The country’s polished segment continues to grow at pace, closing in on the current market leader. 

Since 2015, the UAE has increased its rough diamonds trade by 76%, overtaking Belgium as the world’s leading rough trade hub. The total diamond trade in the UAE grew by 83% between 2020 and 2021, demonstrating both the industry’s resilience and Dubai’s critical role in the global sector. Dubai boasts direct flights to other diamond hubs across the world, including mining countries in Africa and manufacturing centres in India, resulting in a connected supply chain with Dubai at its centre. Additionally, Dubai is home to the two Kimberly Process (KP) offices in the UAE, making the emirate the only entry point for rough diamonds in the country.

Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DMCC, and Chairman, Dubai Diamond Exchange, said: “I am humbled to share that in 2021, Dubai, UAE, became the number one rough diamond trading hub in the world. With USD 22.8 billion in rough trade last year, we are continuing to grow thanks to the trust and support received from so many of our guests here today – we accomplished this together. This major milestone clearly demonstrates the determination of both Dubai and DMCC in advancing the global industry.

DMCC’s Dubai Diamond Exchange is the largest diamond tender facility in the world and home to over 1,100 diamond companies, providing members and industry professionals with state-of-the-art infrastructure, facilities and services to trade with confidence. 



(L to R) Bruce Cleaver-CEO, De Beers, Iris Van Der Veken – Exec Director, Responsible Jewellery Council, Amit Dhamani – CEO & MD, Dhamani Jewels Group and Ahmed Bin Sulayem – CEO & Exec Chairman, DMCC
