Dr Essam Heggy . Space and Planetary Scientist.
His main science interests in space and planetary geophysics covers Mars, the Moon, icy satellites and Near Earth Objects.
A member of the several NASA and ESA missions science teams including the MARSIS instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter (2003-present), the Mini-SAR experiment aboard Chandrayaan-1, the Mini-RF experiment on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (2008-present), the CONSERT radar experiment on board the Rosetta mission (2004-2015) and the RIME experiment Onboard JUICE mission for Jupiter Icy Satellites .
Heggy is the Principal Investigator of the NASA Earth Venture Mission Concept OASIS that aims to characterize groundwater in Hyper-Arid Environments .
Heggy served as a panel member for several NASA programs including the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development program, Planetary Geology and Geophysics program, Mars Data Analysis program, Astrobiology program and the Educational and Public Outreach program.
He also edited a special JGR-planets volume on terrestrial and planetary radars. He is on the editing board of Geosciences and National Geography and co-chaired several sessions in American Geophysical Union and other international meetings on planetary radars.
- Ph.D – Astronomy and Planetary Science – Paris-Sorbonne University, Paris (2002)
Award/ Honours :
- JPL/NASA Mariner Award
- Served as Egyptian President Advisor for Scientific Affairs (2013-2014)
