Zeinab Badawi – International TV Personality of the Year – 2009

Zeinab Badawi , Journalist , Presenter, News Reader – TV and Radio

Currently with : BBC


  • World News Today / HARD Talk / GMT / BBC News at Five

Awards :

  • International TV Personality of the Year (2019) by Association of International Broadcasters
  • President’s Medal of the British Academy (2018)

Other Positions :

  • Adviser to the ‘Foreign Policy Centre’
  • Council Member ‘Overseas Development Institute’
  • Chair – Royal African Society – 2014
  • Trustee – National Portrait Gallery – 2004
  • Trustee – British Council
  • Advisory Board Member – ‘New College of the Humanities’

Founder & Chair :

  • Africa Medical Partnership Fund (AfriMed)


  • Bachelors – Philosophy, Politics and Economy – St. Hilda’s College, Oxford – SOAS, University of London
  • M.A – Politics, Anthropology – School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London -1989
  • Honorary Doctorate of Letters – SOAS – 2011


British / Sudanese-British